Instructional Design


Nayah-Irú is a critical data literacy curriculum for secondary education learners. The curriculum supports youth in co-discovering the materialization of data and algorithms in their lives using speculative fiction and an alternate reality game. During the implementation, youth conduct research projects about data in their communities and present their findings at the MIPARTE youth research conference. 

Learn more. 

Casavalle Dreams

Casavalle Dreams is a filmmaking project designed to support youth from Casavalle in Montevideo, Uruguay, to engage in English as a foreign language. Providing youth with opportunities to write, script, act and produce short films in English, we found new avenus to design culturally relevant experiences in a foreign language. This project was funded by the US Embassy in Montevideo and a crowdsourcing campaign. Seven short films were produced and seven youth from public and private schools in Casavalle produced a film in Vashon Island, Seattle (see news report). 

Masters in Learning Design

Masters Degree in Design of Learning Environments

This program is a member of the International Society of Learning Sciences NaPLES network. 

Full curriculum (ENG)

Intermediate degree interactive poster presentation

Un Museo sobre Mí

Latin American adaptation to the IThrive curriculum based on the game: What Remains of Edith Finch. This curriculum introduces learners to the notion of identity with the help of the vignettes in the video game. 

Full curriculum

EdTech Labs

The following folder contains a selected collection of EdTech labs taught to pre-service teachers between 2019 and 2021. The labs covered the following areas:

Big Data in Education

Interactive Simulations

Video games in the Classroom

Design Thinking


Microcontrollers (Arduino and Microbit)

E-textiles (lab featured by the College of Human Sciences).

3D Printing

See full collection of lesson plans

Academic Research Writing is a 4 credit self-paced online course designed to help students develop their writing skills by working throughout all the stages of the writing process in English. Learn more.

Individual Learning Pathways

Between 2015 and 2019, I developed the curriculum for the Languages program at the Technological University of Uruguay. This program allows all students and collaborators to learn languages in different modalities. Participants were able to select from online, self-paced or face-to-face options to learn English, Portuguese, Chinese and Spanish. Learn more.